Davis Foulger

Former Adjunct Professor
Montclair State University


Department of Communication

SPCH 101: Fundamentals of Speech Communication

Class Schedule and Assignments - Spring, 2005

Monday/Wednesday - 11:30AM-12:45PM and 1:00PM-1:15PM
Dr. Foulger

Class Syllabus / Lecture Notes

Session Date Subject Matter Assignment
1 January 19 Introductions and Models No Reading
2 January 24 The What and Why of Public Speaking Lucas, C. 1 (Speaking in Public) and C. 4 (Selecting a Topic and a Purpose); a reading (see web syllabus) http://foulger.info/davis/research/unifiedModelOfCommunication.htm
3 January 26 Research at the Library and on the Internet Lucas, C. 6 (Gathering Materials)
4 January 31 Building Supporting Arguments Lucas, C. 7 (Supporting Your Ideas)
5 February 2 Organizing an Argument Lucas, C. 8 (Organizing the Body of the Speech) and C. 10 (Outlining the Speech)
6 February 7 The Informative Speech Lucas, C. 14 (Speaking to Inform); Short Research Paper Due
7 February 9 Listening: Stop, Tend, Organize, and Respond. Lucas, C. 3 (Listening)
8 February 14 Beginning and Ending a Speech Lucas, C. 9 (Beginning and ending the speech)
9 February 16 Informative Speeches Due: Speech Outline
10 February 21 Informative Speeches Due: Speech Outline
11 February 23 Informative Speeches Due: Speech Outline
12 February 28 Informative Speech Critique No Reading, Revised Short Paper 1 Due for Grading
13 March 2 Working in Groups Lucas, C. 18 (Speaking in Small Groups)
14 March 7 Language and Meaning Lucas, C. 11 (Using Language)
15 March 9 Non-verbal Communication and Delivery Lucas, C. 12 (Delivery)
Spring Break
16 March 21 Group Project Working Day
A great opportunity for groups to pull their materials together.
17 March 23 Sex, Lies, and Visual Aids Lucas, C. 13 (Using Visual Aids)
Long Weekend for Easter
18 March 28 Group Presentation Handouts Due
19 March 30 Group Presentation Handouts Due
20 April 4 Group Presentation Critique No Reading
21 April 6 Persuasion: Beliefs, Attitudes, Values, and Behavior Lucas, C. 15 (Speaking to Persuade)
22 April 11 Understanding and Adapting to an Audience Lucas, C. 5 (Analyzing the Audience) and C. 2 (Ethics and Public Speaking)
23 April 13 Persuasive Strategies Lucas, C. 16 (Methods of Persuasion)
24 April 18 Persuasive Speeches Outline Due
25 April 20 Persuasive Speeches Outline Due
26 April 25 Persuasive Speeches Outline Due
27 April 27 Persuasive Speech Critiques No Reading
28 May 2 Improving Communication Over A Lifetime Lucas, C. 17 (Speaking on Special Occasions)
29 May 9 Final Exam Good Luck