Index Card Assignment Proposed Mid-Term Questions

The following table includes the index card assignment questions that have been proposed for the mid-terms. I have left them organized by groups, with the top three cards selected in each group noted. I have, in some cases, added additional comments. I may add more over the weekend. Photographs of the index cards are viewable by pressing the "Cards" link associated with each group. Please note that I may change these questions somewhat in the process of turning them into mid-term questions.

Discussion of these questions can be conducted on a Wiki page I have created.


Group Student Question Comments (if any)
Cards Shanissia Derby Name two of the seven key varieties of intelligence and explain what each means. Top 3 Question for Group
Tommy Kehoskie

Two Part Question:

  1. Explain the justification for believing in morals and the benefits that morals have on society.
  2. How is it easier for people to live in a society with morals rather than a society without them.
Top 3 Question for Group
Dan Lloyd

(_______) is an unexpected happening that prompts a sense of inner discomfort and perplexity.

Answer: (Trigger Event)

Top 3 Question for Group.

I am unlikely to ask a simple fill in the blank in this class, but I might adapt the question.

Cedric Drayton

Explain the difference between the nature of meaning and that of emotions. Give examples of both.

Explain what is meant by critical thinking.

Mary Beth Cassidy

(_______) are all those people who assest us to become critical thinkers.

Answer: Helpers

Cards Mellissa D'Ippolito

What is PMI?

plus, minus, interesting - a method of evaluating choices

Top 3 Question for Group
Kate Perry

What is the difference between Bandura's Theory of Social Cognition and Skinner's version of Social Cognition?

Answer: Skinner says people react to stimuli. Bandura says they also shape it.

Top 3 Question for Group
Jennifer Entrekin

Question: "Sorry I am late to class. My car ran out of gas." This is an example of (_______).

Answer: External Locus

Top 3 Question for Group

More generally, of attribution theory, and of the fundamental attribution error.

Kelly Moynan Name three things that are necessary to critically tinking for yourself.  
Michelle Sunga

What are the two alternative interpretations of the concept of critical think? Explain the two:

  • Emancipatory learning - learners become aware of the forces that have brought them to their current situation taking action to change
  • Dialectical Thinking - a particular form of critical thinking that focuses on the understanding and resolution of contradictions
Cards Amanda Luisi

What are the four ways we make sense of our lives?

Answer: Purpose, Value, Efficacy, Self-Worth.

Top 3 Question for Group
Kristin Regan

Give an example of a semantic network and briefly explain what it is/

Answer: , where all outer words relate to center.

Top 3 Question for Group
Kathleen Yockell

In Cognition and Self what are the three things that influence our behavior? Please give the word and what it means.

Answer: Values are something that you believe fundamentally. Attitudes are how you fell about it. Belief is something you believe.

Top 3 Question for Group
Colleen Lavin

In the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, a story is illustrated about a man who reacts to a boy falling in the water before he actually knows that this has occurred. Name the part of the brain that allows for this to occur, and then go on to explain how this works.

Answer: Amygdala: The amygdala receives a signal across a single synapse from the talamus allowing it to respond before he neocortex. Altogether this allows for emotional response rather than rational response because a person reacts before there is any recognition of the reality of the situation.

Holly Figaro Define critical thinking. Describe it as a process. Give examples of why critical tinking is so important in personal and professional relationships. Example: acknowledge someone's presence, listen to them.  
Cards Scott Williams Describe the differences is personality between those of high emotional intelligence and those with a high IQ. How do these attributes help or hurt someones potential for success. Top 3 Question for Group
Robert Herzog

What are the four meanings of life and describe them in your own words.

Answer: Value, purpose, Efficacy, Self-worth

Top 3 Question for Group

Note relationship to Amanda Luisi's question, above.

Deseree M. Fors

How can we facilitate critical thinking upon others?


  • Listen to them
  • Affirm person
  • Be supportive of what they are saying
  • Act as a model
  • Summarize conversation
  • Motivate them
Top 3 Question for Group
Karen Fidler

(_______) is the ability to understand other people, what motivates them and how they work.

Answer: Interpersonal Intelligence

Someone with this skill might be a good (career choice)

Answer Salesman, Teacher, Politician, Clinician, Religious Leader

Samantha Rovin

List and discuss the four meanings of life:


  • Values: Morals and Money, Good and Bad
  • Purpose: We are here for a reason
  • Efficacy: What we can do
  • Self-Worth: How good we feel about ourselves.
Not at the top of the stack for this group, but also asterisked.