A Happy Holiday Season to All

Another year, already! As we write this, we're already in the space between Christmas and New Year, so for many of you its too late to wish you a Merry Christmas. Still, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and incredibly happy new year. This was a good year for us, and the big news of the year is that somewhere along the way there became an us: Joan and Davis. Many of the years best things are things we did together: music and friends and cycling and work and a very loving satisfying ongoing evolving relationship.

The evolving "we" made this note a bit confusing to write, as coming together involves an odd mix of I and we time, so we'll present the rest of this note as a kind of a dialog, labeling pieces as "Joan", "Davis", or "Both of us" as seems appropriate.

The year started, for my third time, in Jimena in southern Spain with a week of chamber music (with Jane's "Musical Passages"). I'm improving with more practice, which makes playing the piano a joy. I stayed with Jane for several days after the end of the official music week. There was some more playing, some just hanging out together, and a lovely trip to Cordoba.
For me, the year started on a depressing note. Joan was in Jimena and I was trying to enjoy "the last" Christmas that I'm likely to see my whole famiily together. It was a great family holiday in many respects, but I was in a sort of nowhere land. This would be the last significant time in a house I'd lived in for sixteen years (the longest I've lived anywhere) and I didn't really have a replacement address yet other than my dorm room in Oswego. Joan and I were more than good friends at this point, but I was still saying "friend" rather than girl friend.
There were several trips to and from Oswego (where Davis teaches in the Communication department of SUNY/Oswego), including two to hear him perform in the college/community orchestra (he's a violist). There was a Valentine's Day dinner dance (waltzes!), and then an end-of-year concert (Stravinsky).
Teaching was one of the years real high points for me. As we end the year I've just finished my third semester of teaching at Oswego. The last time I'd taught full time was in 1981, but I had missed the joy of teaching during my twenty year stint in the computer industry. The joy of teaching, for me, comes in multiple dimensions. First, I really enjoy working with students. While there is always room to get better, and I've improved a lot this year, there is a real thrill in seeing my students master key ideas in communication. Second, there is nothing like teaching a set of ideas to force you to confront, challenge, and refne those ideas. It really has been a wonderful year.
The beginning of July found both of us at Colgate College in Hamilton, NY, where SummerTrios was held for the second time. There were numerous acquaintances from last year, and some new ones. Good playing (at least enjoyable for me who was playing not listening). I didn't do quite enough towards helping Summertrios with computer things, but Davis and I did attend an envelope stuffing event at Lily's in the fall.
One of the most wonderful things about being with Joan is her wonderful and growing collection of friends. Another is her love of music, a passion I share. Summertrios combines the two, and I loved the opportunity to be a spectator as she took the stage to perform with and for her friends. We've also started to play duets together. My skills on the Viola aren't quite up to Joan's at the piano, but we've had a wonderful time trying out several pieces for piano and viola. Who knows. Maybe we'll get good enough to play one of them for other people this year. My youngest son, Sam, also shares a passion for music. This year he transitioned from a high school musician playing in ten ensembles to a Penn State music major playing in four.
Elaine, from London, visited during the summer (always a pleasure). Davis ran ethernet into the back bedroom (now also a study) so it was a well-connected visit. Bookshelves are planned.
Joan brought an Elaine into my life. I brought one into hers. Interestingly, the two Elaine's share something in common: both are well known for their work in Ethics. Joan's Elaine is well known for her work and book in the area of business ethics. My Elaine has also written several books in the area of ethics and involved me in her research on "Ethics Across the Curriculum" this year. Joan's Elaine helped me understand the nature of publishing contracts. A large portion of my year has been devoted to a book on communications media. Joan helped my Elaine find information and expertise on cancer when her husband was diagnosed mid-year. Cancer also touched my brother-in-law this year, and once again Joan was there to help wherever she could. I am happy to report that all patients are doing well.
I have begun to meet Davis' family, as he has mine. We were in Maine briefly in the summer to collect his repaired Honda, in Boston, and then Maine again at Thanksgiving. The latter is the Foulger family traditional annual Christmas-related get-together. It even included skiing; I believe that it has been over 20 years since I last did that, and find that lots has changed including the shape of the skis. Lots of fun.
Skiing makes winter wonderful, and I'm pleased to report that the Thanksgiving skiing at Sugerloaf USA (in Maine) was outstanding this year. Thanksgiving is one of a small number of holidays that brings most of my family together. This year my parents, sisters, nephews and nieces all made it up to ski and eat turkey together. My son's Sam and Devin also made it up, and Devin brought his girlfriend Lisa. Joan had met most of my family already, but this was the first time she got to be at a family "event". Everyone agrees that it was a fantastic weekend; one of the best ever.
There were also a few trips associated with conferences (Davis working, me touristing): Seattle, New Orleans. We did a few days of hiking in Seattle, and some wandering around in New Orleans.
I returned to teaching, at least in part, because of my continuing research agenda, which is focused on communication media. Teaching is a "publish or perish" business, and a lot of my effort this year was focused on writing papers for conferences and publication. Joan has been wonderful about coming along, joining in, and enhancing the experience. I always wind up meeting people at the conference because she's along. After the Seattle conference she introduced me to her favorite outdoor store, REI, where I bought a pair of hiking boots and socks. The next day we took a shot at climbing one of the mountains facing Mt. St. Helens. As it turns out, late May was too early. Roads were closed. Trails were snow covered. But we found a place to park and a road to the top that was being cleared, and started out anyway. The snow was pretty scattered when we started. As we approached the ridge that (as best we can tell from the map) would have taken us around to a view of the Mt. St. Helens caldera, it was perhaps twelve feet high to either side of us. While time grew sufficiently short that we didn't walk that last ridge, it was a really beautiful climb. I'm looking forward to finishing it someday.
This year Davis and I had Christmas dinner in New York with Tim, Jackie, and Steve (you can see us at http://briefcase.yahoo.com/joandyer).

I have been learning some new skills: knitting socks (having been prompted to start knitting again because of a fund-raising auction for Tim's Choral Arts Society) and riding a bicycle! I'd always wanted to do the latter; my mother was convinced that I'd get hit by a car in Brooklyn and so I never graduated from tricycle to two-wheeler. But Davis has been an encouraging and patient teacher. The longest trip has been down the bike path along the Hudson to Battery Park. There's one hill I have never managed to pedal up...maybe next year!
Time just seems to fly by when I'm with Joan (and her socks fit great). She helps me with so many things, including my occasional down moments. While I still live in Oswego, Joan's place has become my second home and primary mailing address. Its been a wonderful year, and the growing range of things that Joan and I are finding to share (bicycling being the latest) promises to make the coming year even better.

There are some other signal moments for me to report as well. My daughter, Rebecca, graduated from the University of Michigan this month. My oldest son, Devin, will be marrying Lisa in March. Another major family get-together. I love it.
Both of us
May the coming year be one of joy and peace, followed by many more of the same.